Dominoes Game is an online board game for mobile devices. Available on both App Store and Google Play Store. You can download and start to play on your mobile device (iOS or Android).
Play online v.s. online players, or play offline v.s. computer. You can play offline without internet connection.
Dominoes Game is reviewed in Appliv! An independent organization reviewed the Dominoes. You can see the review by click here.
Game Instructions
Login Game
Facebook Login; You can login with your facebook account. When you are login with facebook, you will get 10.000 coins. Login Screen
Create Player; You can create an by Games account and login with this account. Creating an account is very easy. Only you define a player name and password and write your e-mail address. Player Create Screen, Player Login Screen
As Guest; You can login as guest. You can click "Login as Guest" button on Login page. If you already created a guest player, app is not create different player id. -
Game Modes
Multiplayer; Multiplayer game mode is online game mode. You can play against one, two or three online players. Also you can play matched game. This game mode requires internet connection.
Singleplayer; Singleplayer game mode is offline game mode. You can play against one, two or three bot opponents. Also you can play matched game. Other players are bot. That means they are computer. This game mode not require internet connection. -
Creating New Game
You can create new game both in Menu Screen (with "Play Now" button) and Lobby (with "New Game" button). When you click one of these buttons. You will see New Game Box.
Game mode; Multiplayer / Singleplayer, Multiplayer game is online game mode. Singleplayer game is offline game mode.
Game Type / Tiles Count; You can play Draw and Block Dominoes game types. In a draw game, you can draw tiles from boneyard. In a block game, you can't draw any tiles after game start. Tiles Count is number of tiles for each player when game starts.
Number of oppenents; This means player count on game. If you choose 4 players, also you can choose matched game.
Game Ends At; This means game points. When you or one of your oppenet reachs this point, game ends.
Game Bet; You can bet for game. If you win, you will get coins twice of game bet amount. If you loose, you will loose coins as game bet amount. Min bet amount is 0. Max bet amount is calculating by your player level and game points.
For multiplayer game mode;
If you click "Play Now" button in Menu Screen and choose Multiplayer game mode you will join available online tables. Selected game options will be same or similar. Bet amount and game points +- %20, other options same. If server has not available table then creates new table.
If you click "New Game" button in Lobby and choose Multiplayer game mode you will create new table with selected game options. You can wait your opponent(s) or you can invite available online players or friends of yours. -
Lobby Screen
You can see online players and online games. You can chat with other player in this screen. And you can join available game tables and play.
Online games located on center of screen. You can scroll on this area and see all online tables. If a table is available, you can see "Play" button above it. If you click this button, you will join the table.
Online players located on right. You can also scroll on this area and see all online players. If you click on player game and you will see the player profile and statistics.
Chat area located on left. You can write msg to all players on Lobby. -
Game Play (Rules)
Dominoes game played with 2, 3 or 4 players. Also played with 2 v.s 2 matched. Each player gets 5, 6 or 7 tiles when game starts. Player with the highest double places the first domino. Each player adds a domino to an open end of the layout, if he/she can (The players extend it with one matching tile at one of it's two ends).
Drawing Tiles;
If a player is unable to make a move, he must draw dominoes from the boneyard until he can make a move. If there are no dominoes left, then the player must pass. In block game, you can't draw any tiles from the boneyard. Tiles in boneyard can't use after game start.
Ending a Round;
A game ends either when a player plays all his tiles, or when a game is blocked. A game is blocked when no player is able to add another tile to the layout.
Round Scoring;
When a hand ends, the player with the lightest hand (i.e. the fewest number of dots on their dominoes) wins the number of sum total of points in all of his opponents hands (minus the points in his own hand, if any).
Ending Game;
Game ends when the first player reach to game end points. -
Game Results
When the game ends winners gets points and coins. Winning coin amount is always same as game bet amount.
Calculation of points;
1st gets game end points / 10 * 1.5 (e.g. when game end point is 70; 70 / 10 = 7 * 1.5 = 11)
In 4 players game 2nd gets game end points / 10 (e.g. when game end point is 70; 70 / 10 = 7) -
Game can be played with coins. Coins are certainly virtual. There is no financial value. Can not be traded between players.
Getting Coins;
You will get gift coins on your first login.
You will get daily bonus.
You can get coins by watching ads at Free Coins window.
For every facebook friend who played dominoes, you will get gift coins.
You can get coins by winning games.